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Mystery Shopping on Omnichannel framework (Mystery Shoppers)

Mystery shopping is a method of evaluating a customer’s satisfaction with the products and services offered by a business. The most appropriate collaborators for each brand will take on the role of customers and go through the purchasing or service-using process. Following that, give feedback on the quality of service, service attitude, personnel capacity, and advise changes to facilities and service methods to produce outstanding customer experiences, helping businesses grow their base of loyal customers and brand recognition.

Customer Customer will not complain to you , they will leave you in silent”

Mystery shopping is an “early warning” tool that helps companies identify gaps in customer service at all customer touchpoints across all channels. Thereby limiting the risks that may damage the company’s reputation and lose customers.

Mystery shopping can be conducted in person, by phone or online on all customer contact channels of each brand. Depending on each contact channel, mystery shoppers will provide reports to evaluate their experience at each channel to improve service quality and actual customer experience.

Upon the company’s service quality regulation process, and international standard service quality models, SOI.Pro will build a questionnaire so that our clients can secretly evaluate the service’s quality, service’s experience, and uncover problems that need to be improved in the future

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  • Mystery shopping is directly popular and suitable for brands with chains of stores or multiple branches to ensure consistency in service quality at all transaction points for customers. Or with brands/businesses that focus on building high-class service quality. During face-to-face interaction with employees, mystery shoppers will rate service quality according to the questionnaire provided and their feelings about the contact.
  • Mystery shopping conducted through phone/call is intended for corporate call centres where the phone is an integral part of the customer experience. Mystery Shopping reviews will help measure the effectiveness of contact centre agents and improve the way calls from customers are handled.
  • In addition, using mystery shopping to evaluate and track the entire customer journey at every customer touchpoint including online channels can help businesses understand how customers feel throughout the journey. From that, businesses have the data to create a synchronous, classy and consistent experience journey at each touch point.

The benefits of using Mystery shopping service

  • Help alert and identify uncertainties in customer service.
  • Ensure employee consistency in compliance with business service standards.
  • Create a habit for employees to always be in the “shape” to serve customers according to the service quality criteria set by the business.
  • Understand weaknesses to improve customer service quality effectively
  • Build-up the consistency and maintain class service throughout the system.

Contact us to set up a specific partnership program!

To improve service quality and customer experience, please contact SOI.Pro for more details!

Hotline: 0962 08 00 55


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